FAU  >  Technische Fakultät  >  Informatik  >  Lehrstuhl 15 (Digital Reality)

[Robust Marker-based Projector-Camera Synchronization]

Robust Marker-based Projector-Camera Synchronization

Vanessa Klein1,  Martin Edel2,  Marc Stamminger1,  Frank Bauer1

1 FAU, Lehrstuhl für Graphische Datenverarbeitung
2 Independent Researcher, Germany


Recording clean pictures of projected images requires the projector and camera to be synchronized. This task usually requires additional hardware or imposes major restrictions on the devices with software-based approaches, e.g., a specific frame rate of the camera. We present a novel software-based synchronization technique that supports projectors and cameras with different frame rates and at the same time tolerates camera frame drops. We focus on the special needs of LCD projectors and the effect of their liquid crystal response time on the projected image. By relying on visible marker detection we entirely refrain from taking time measurements, allowing for a robust and fast synchronization.

Citation Style:    Publication

Robust Marker-based Projector-Camera Synchronization.
Vanessa Klein, Martin Edel, Marc Stamminger, Frank Bauer.
Graphics and Visual Computing, Vol. 5, 2021.
Vanessa Klein, Martin Edel, Marc Stamminger, and Frank Bauer. Robust marker-based projector-camera synchronization. Graphics and Visual Computing, 5:200034, 2021.Klein, V., Edel, M., Stamminger, M., and Bauer, F. 2021. Robust marker-based projector-camera synchronization.Graphics and Visual Computing 5, 200034.V. Klein, M. Edel, M. Stamminger, and F. Bauer, “Robust marker-based projector-camera synchronization,” Graphics and Visual Computing, vol. 5, p. 200034, 2021. [Online]. Available: https: //www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666629421000164

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