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[FaceForge: Markerless Non-Rigid Face Multi-Projection Mapping]

FaceForge: Markerless Non-Rigid Face Multi-Projection Mapping

Christian Siegl,  Vanessa Lange,  Marc Stamminger,  Frank Bauer,  Justus Thies

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)


Recent publications and art performances demonstrate amazing results using projection mapping. To our knowledge, there exists no multi-projection system that can project onto non-rigid target geometries. This constrains the applicability and quality for live performances with multiple spectators. Given the cost and complexity of current systems, we present a low-cost easy-to-use markerless non-rigid face multi-projection system. It is based on a non-rigid, dense face tracker and a real-time multi-projection solver adapted to imprecise tracking, geometry and calibration. Using this novel system we produce compelling results with only consumer-grade hardware.

Citation Style:    Publication

FaceForge: Markerless Non-Rigid Face Multi-Projection Mapping.
Christian Siegl, Vanessa Lange, Marc Stamminger, Frank Bauer, Justus Thies.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 23, 2017, pp. 2440-2446.
Christian Siegl, Vanessa Lange, Marc Stamminger, Frank Bauer, and Justus Thies. FaceForge: Markerless Non-Rigid Face Multi-Projection Mapping.IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, PP, 2017.Siegl, C., Lange, V., Stamminger, M., Bauer, F., and Thies, J. 2017. FaceForge: Markerless Non-Rigid Face Multi-Projection Mapping. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics PP.C. Siegl, V. Lange, M. Stamminger, F. Bauer, and J. Thies, “FaceForge: Markerless Non-Rigid Face Multi-Projection Mapping,” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. PP, 2017.

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