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[Real-Time Adaptive Color Correction in Dynamic Projection Mapping]

Real-Time Adaptive Color Correction in Dynamic Projection Mapping

Philipp Kurth,  Vanessa Klein,  Marc Stamminger,  Frank Bauer

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)


Projection mapping augments a real-world object's appearance by projecting digital content on its surface. However, a remaining obstacle to immersive projection mapping is the limitation to white Lambertian surfaces and uniform neutral environment light, if any. Violating one of these assumptions results in a discernible difference between the source material and the appearance of the projected content. For example, some colors may not be visible due to intense environment lighting or pronounced surface colors. We present a system that actively subdues many of those real-world influences, especially environment lighting. Our system supports dynamic (i.e., movable) target objects as well as changing lighting conditions while requiring no prior color calibration of the projector nor any precomputed environment probing. We automatically and continuously estimate these influences during runtime in a real-time feedback-loop and adjust the projected colors accordingly.

Citation Style:    Publication

Real-Time Adaptive Color Correction in Dynamic Projection Mapping.
Philipp Kurth, Vanessa Klein, Marc Stamminger, Frank Bauer.
2020 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), pp. 174-184, 2020.

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