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[Perceptually Guided Computer-Generated Holography]

Perceptually Guided Computer-Generated Holography

Kaan Akşit1,  Koray Kavakli2,  David R Walton1,  Anthony Steed1,  Hakan Urey2,  Rafael Kuffner dos Anjos1,3,  Sebastian Friston1,  Tim Weyrich1,4,  Tobias Ritschel1

1 University College London
2 Koç University, Turkey
3 University of Leeds
4 Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)


Computer-Generated Holography (CGH) promises to deliver genuine, high-quality visuals at any depth. We argue that combining CGH and perceptually guided graphics can soon lead to practical holographic display systems that deliver perceptually realistic images. We propose a new CGH method called metameric varifocal holograms. Our CGH method generates images only at a user’s focus plane while displayed images are statistically correct and indistinguishable from actual targets across peripheral vision (metamers). Thus, a user observing our holograms is set to perceive a high quality visual at their gaze location. At the same time, the integrity of the image follows a statistically correct trend in the remaining peripheral parts. We demonstrate our differentiable CGH optimization pipeline on modern GPUs, and we support our findings with a display prototype. Our method will pave the way towards realistic visuals free from classical CGH problems, such as speckle noise or poor visual quality.

Citation Style:    Publication

Perceptually Guided Computer-Generated Holography.
Kaan Akşit, Koray Kavakli, David R Walton, Anthony Steed, Hakan Urey, Rafael Kuffner dos Anjos, Sebastian Friston, Tim Weyrich, Tobias Ritschel.
Advances in Display Technologies XII, SPIE, May (first online March) 2022.
Kaan Aksit, Koray Kavakli, David Walton, Anthony Steed, Hakan Urey, Rafael Kuffner dos Anjos, Sebastian Friston, Tim Weyrich, and Tobias Ritschel. Perceptually guided computer-generated holography. In Jiun-Haw Lee, Qiong-Hua Wang, and Tae-Hoon Yoon, editors, Advances in Display Technologies XII, volume 12024, pages 11–14. International Society for Optics and Photonics, SPIE, 2022.Aksit, K., Kavakli, K., Walton, D., Steed, A., Urey, H., Kuffner dos Anjos, R., Friston, S., Weyrich, T., and Ritschel, T.2022. Perceptually guided computer-generated holography. In Advances in Display Technologies XII, SPIE, J.-H. Lee, Q.-H. Wang, and T.-H. Yoon, Eds., vol. 12024, International Society for Optics and Photonics, 11–14.K. Aksit, K. Kavakli, D. Walton, A. Steed, H. Urey, R. Kuffner dos Anjos, S. Friston, T. Weyrich, and T. Ritschel, “Perceptually guided computer-generated holography,” in Advances in Display Technologies XII, J.-H. Lee, Q.-H. Wang, and T.-H. Yoon, Eds., vol. 12024, International Society for Optics and Photonics. SPIE, 2022, pp. 11–14. [Online]. Available: https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2610251

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