FAU  >  Technische Fakultät  >  Informatik  >  Lehrstuhl 15 (Digital Reality)

[Digital Processing]

Digital Processing

Tim Weyrich1,  Matthias Zwicker2,  Mark Pauly1,  Markus Gross1,  Martin Wicke1,  Leif Kobbelt3

1 ETH Zurich
2 University of California, San Diego
3 RWTH Aachen

Citation Style:    Publication

Digital Processing.
Tim Weyrich, Matthias Zwicker, Mark Pauly, Markus Gross, Martin Wicke, Leif Kobbelt.
Book chapter in Point-Based Graphics, pp. 186–244, Morgan Kaufmann, 2007.
Tim Weyrich, Matthias Zwicker, Mark Pauly, Markus Gross, Martin Wicke, and Leif Kobbelt. Digital processing. In Markus Gross and Hanspeter Pfister, editors, Point-Based Graphics, chapter 5, pages 186–244. Morgan Kaufmann, Burlington, MA, 2007.Weyrich, T., Zwicker, M., Pauly, M., Gross, M., Wicke, M., and Kobbelt, L. 2007. Digital processing. In Point-Based Graphics, M. Gross and H. Pfister, Eds. Morgan Kaufmann, Burlington, MA, ch. 5, 186–244.T. Weyrich, M. Zwicker, M. Pauly, M. Gross, M. Wicke, and L. Kobbelt, “Digital processing,” in Point-Based Graphics, M. Gross and H. Pfister, Eds. Morgan Kaufmann, Burlington, MA, 2007, ch. 5, pp. 186–244. [Online]. Available: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123706041

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